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Jan 10- 89-
30 rue de Vaugirard

My darling heartsease, and daisy, and forgetmenot boys - and their Mamma—
Your three beautiful pins are lying side by side in their cotton beside me on the table, and they all look just like you—  I could never tell you the pleasure they give me and will, every time I put them on—  Harry's would almost do instead of a picture of him for the holes in the pansy
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parrot—  This lady also had thirty birds in a big cage—  but I dont think all of them put together would be as nice as a nice dog—    It snowed this afternoon and Cousin May and I had no umbrellas and so we thought we would use our big white sketching umbrellas - And walked all the way home under one—  Three people made fun of us but no one else seemd to think it funny at all—   There are so many funny things in Paris, no one notices—
With three big hugs - your much loving Auntie—