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[[left side]]
bottle of Vin de Cocoa something like [[baf.?]] wine and iron which she keeps herself going with - as she is a bloodless sort of creature - and is sometimes white to her very lips—
There is a picture by Mr Hyde in one of the late Magazine's  which contains Lucy Conant says an exact portrait of Kate Kinsella—  He is dead in love with her and I have seen one charming pencil head he made of her—  This is a girl in evening dress standing up against a wall talking to a young man who is talking about a book of his—
She says she has heard so much about it—  He delighted asks from whom to which she replies "Oh, from you yourself"—  Perhaps you will see it - Kate is not so beautiful as Louise but is a great flirt—  Louise dont care at all for men— 

Quite a lot of people came to my last Tuesday afternoon - F. Esté - Miss Boyer and Miss Stanley—  Mr Adams 

[[right side]]

30 rue Vaugirard— 
Sunday— Jan 20th—

The cake has come! And is all'et up! I've shared the last of it with Lucy Conant this afternoon though she protested because she thought it was so precious—  It was perfectly fresh - and delicious only somewhat smashed as the box was broken—  A paste board box always is - [[?]] Thouron sent me a Calender which was all knocked to pieces through bents put up in a pasteboard box - but included it and it is all right now.
It was great fun to eat something made out of our own milk and eggs and things from Rose's and [[Tumbleston]] and the farmer and it was wonderful gingerbread so black and crumby—

Does Aunt Emily make cake every  

May's love - she says— 

Writing letters mending our clothes and going to bed—  

I have put on Etta's brown cloth dress as my best suit and made my brown bonnet into a becoming toque—
Feel as if my Bates boots were a great extravagance - the only swell thing I have now—

Aunt Eliza did I tell you your [[sid?]] slippers went all thinga Italy with me and are my Constant Comforts now—
Also I could not live without Etta's green plaid shawl.

Transcription Notes:
the overlap is very confusing *Bates Footwear [Andrew J. Bates]