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An apparent- lady- if you do she is an American. The men look a good deal at May's red cheeks. Other wise we dont feel much noticed.  Often they are humming as they pass us in the street but nothing intelligible.  I never felt of such little importance -  The other day we went to a small exhibition where I know there were a good many swells - lackeys in white stockings - and coroneted carriages at the door.  There was one lovely portrait by Le Febvre of a [[wise?]] superb woman.  It was a comfort to see anything so distinguished.  Our street is a very short one (see map)  The houses in this part of Paris are all exactly alike and you don't know when one begins and the other ends.  They are all light grey with windows opening to the floor and little iron balcony's outside.  Just around here there is nothing to tell you 

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what street you are in but the name.

Wednesday 8th 11.15.A.M.

May is still in her little narrow bed dozing and I did'nt get up in until nine.  It is so nice to curl up again after breakfast.  Then all the street calls and cries begin.  There will be a million more in the spring, I suppose - and they all have such rich voices.  I have washed my shirt and stockings and hung them up and done lots of other housecleaning.  The mantel-piece is our drawing table and I have all my photos piled up in front of the glass.  I would not have believed those bad photos of R. Redfields of the children would be such a comfort.  They seem more like them to me now than any of the others.  I am so glad you like your dress.  Tell me everything you put on, and do and what the children say.  You poor cook-plagued thing.  I am so thankful that home is so vivid to me.  I can't believe it is so far off - and am so glad I can't.  Do be about having Cecil's pic taken. Yesterday afternoon I went to the Louvre again with Miss Jonas - such a good time - I am going to like it better every time I go.  One takes one's increases so for granted.  The bigness and gorgeous