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at one and said "C'est bien fait." Corrected it in places himself and when he got up repeated it "Il y a des fautes mais c'est bien fait." Its very unusual for a Professor to say more than that horrid "Pas mal."
 Yesterday we went to the rue de Buris to church - and spent the evening at the Austins - Constance is much better and goes out now. I have been to the Louvre with them this afternoon looking at wraps with a view to Aunt Emily. Its almost impossible for me to help buying things I know some one at home would want. I have written to Maud Da Puf asking her when she could have me there and proposing

look so different from their usual selves. The light ought to strike a head about like this [[drawing of a head]] to make a good portrait. That is it might come from higher too, but not be shut right below.

This is the first week day evening at home for some time. As we stopped the evening class on Saturday. And I was sorry to leave it. I expected to begin with Delance or Sasar this week in the afternoons but shall not now until next week. Delance is a youngish man who has a picture in the Luxemborg and to whom a good many people I know all going. There