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Back in the studio - What a place it is, we, trunks, beds - and the studio - imagine it if you can - but it is only for one week, we wash in a tea cup - etc. and me - used to a white-capped noiseless maiden, to bring me endless baths and warm water three times a day. Have not seen Mr Thouron yet. Sent him word I would be here yesterday afternoon at six and last night May and I had a terrible fright - you know we are on the ground floor with only a thin door with one lock on it between us and the court, and in my first sound sleep last night I was wakened by a heavy step in the court which stopped in front of our door and rapped hard- and a man's voice said something, I half dazed did not understand. I called out in an awful fright "Who's there" English, no response only light coming through one key hole and moving like a bull's eye around the wall. By that time May was awake and both of us did'nt [[didn't]] know what to do and really thought we were going to be murdered next minute - and I was on the point of calling through a window in the [[text continues on page 11]]

St. Germain La Terrasse
Sunday - June 16

May and I have come out here to spend the day and it is quiet and nice - but I must go back and not stop to talk about the chateau terrasse big trees, woods, and view - or I shall never get back to England and Canterbury and all that. We are sitting under a big tree in deep grass and ants and spiders and caterpillars crawling over us.

It rained hard all day last Monday but on Tuesday we thought we would start for Canterbury by rail and drive from there so we left after luncheon and I was not so very sorry to leave town which was rather dreary. We passed through Rochester and saw the big ivy covered medaieval fortress and castle on the shores of the Medway a muddy but picturesque stream. Somehow the rivers over here always look like rivers and you can see them winding - just before we reached Canterbury about 5 P.M. the sun broke out and we saw the cathedral in the distance illuminated by it