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then we walked off through the park and joined our carriage in the road. We got on to Maidstone that evening and the next morning to Seven Oaks and then rest of the way by train to London making in all about 50 miles of driving. And I feel as if I had really seen that county pretty well. It was a delicious chance and I'm mighty glad I waited and had it.  It was warm and sunny when we got to London in fact we had no rain at all after we left Down - and Maud and I went to her club "The Albemarle" and had lunch - very swell quiet and dainty.  We rode up through Picadilly and Grosvenor Place - on top of a bus.  I more than on top for I was beside the driver and a swell held my skirts down with a strap when I climbed over the back of the seat to get down - and when I descended the steps backwards - the conductor held onto my skirts most delicately and I thought as ow in Paris they would'nt have been so considerate of my legs— 

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side light "Help." - when there was more rapping - no - pounding on the door and May called out "qui est la  and she heard "telegramme" - and went to the door.  It was a "carte telegramme from Mr Thouron to say he had just rec'd my note at 7.15 & would come on Monday.  How distracted he would be if he knew what he had done.  We are really perfectly safe as every one who comes into the court has to be let in by the Concierge who pulls a string and opens the front door. But it was terrifying—    Aunt Sarah was here one day Mr T. came to see May & did'nt hesitate in her usual candid manner yesterday to tell me what she thought of him. She thought he was an "imitation of Harry Drinker only not half so interesting" - was like Dr Bacon (!) and that having come to France she thought for the first time, was trying to assume French manners (Here she remarked that she could'nt imagine how Harry & he could have learned them)  His however she had not considered anything but bogus - and was surprised when I told her he was a "swell" - also said she thought him a "stick"—