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to get the name by heart - but it has gone - Except a portrait or two by Oakes and Herkomer The pictures look a good deal like an Academy Exhib in  New York - there is no stunning work such as one finds at The Exposition - one finds a great deal of good mediocrity; but little to rave over - outside the National Gallery - and anyone who has seen The {?} Herkomer & Hall portraits at The Ex has seen the best they can do - But the Tour of the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey will do - although W.A. is'nt as big as I supposed it. We have saved St. Pauls and the Tower for next time. In fact I feel as if I had seen only a glympse of many houses & people - in which the great yellow curve of Regent Street holds and important place

c/o Mrs E. Clarke
Ashton House 
July 1st [1889]

My sister - 

I send this to you because I hope by the time it reaches you the rest of my fambly will be with you by the sea - in your lovely new house. Dont be mad at me for not coming back to it quite so soon as you expected - I'm almost afraid of the wail in the next letter - but you ought not to mind in your new pleasant {?} housekeeping - with all well - and I am hoping it will last until I get there. How shall I ever take up my thread! I ought to go back to Paris and that horrid week there - though the pictures were worth crossing the Atlantic to see - but the dreadful worry, hurry and fatigue - I have

Transcription Notes:
Oakes - John Wright Oakes, British painter Herkomer - Hubert von Herkomer, British painter