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got my receipt now for the box so it has gone all right - and thats done. I managed to get a little more shopping done in Paris and got you a love of a peignoir suitable for winter eveningts at home just what I had been looking for for $10. Tell Aunt Emily I looked in a lot of places for the thing she suggested in one of her letters but there were none - not in fashion now, and they never keep things on hand that are "out"- hope to find it in London on my way back. I did'nt go inside a shop this time - city was so hot and we were there only from Tuesday morn until Thursday afternoon - and seeing things all the time. Oh, Westminster Abbey and oh, The National Gallery! They have the first Rembrandts and Velasquez 
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that I have seen any where. We also saw The Royal Academy New Gallery & Grosvenor Gallery - that is I saw the R.A. at the soiree to which swell occasion I was escorted by Mr Darwin - in May's new lilac silk dress! Saw lots of swells and diamonds, was received by Sir F. Leighton -  but Mr D. did'nt know many of the artists so I saw much without knowing - just as we were leaving the Lord Mayor's coach drove up with full liveries and footmen running in front. Of course it was'nt a very good time for studying the pictures, but I only remember one very well - the portrait of a little girl and I dont remember [underlined]now [/underlined] who did it - some one I never heard of. I tried hard

Transcription Notes:
Sir F. Leighton - Frederic Leighton, British painter