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you ask them to do any thing - and we have hot water in the morning etc - We are supposed to market for ourselves but Mrs Clarke gets us one chop & potatoes strawberries and salad and cooks them for us. We make our own morning chocolate - ("Express" brought from Paris" - our supper is generally the remains of our dinner. Our outlay for every thing except what our food costs to buy is 15 shillings a week between us! 
Ravens again you see- 

I am in the studio and the D's have cleaned it and put in accent table chairs and a rug. Miss Goodhart has begun to sit. An anxious time is to come of course - I have not learned to be  less but more anxious about my work. Mr Darwin began to pose for [[?]] today but I have got to give my strength to Miss Goodhart first as she goes so soon. She is pastel - He is going to be oil.

We are to dine with the Goodharts tomorrow and went to tea at Mrs Horace Darwin's this afternoon. It is very quiet here now, but May is in raptures over it. What a contrast to Paris! 

Miss Reynolds has [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] rooms in this house too and we are the only lodgers. The house is on the street but big trees surround us every where. I have saved up stacks of letters to write here and when am
I going to do it - It's nine o'clock and about blood daylight -
Of course we saw a good deal of the [[?]] in Paris. They finally have rooms at 30 rue Vaugien. It was nice to see them but mournful too.