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out and does anything she feels like doing—  I was very weak and my stomach was of no "[[rally?]]" at all until yesterday when I quite picked up and today I have eaten solid things, a little of 'em for the first time and feel quite myself—
Mrs Horace Darwin is going to begin to pose - or rather come to be posed tomorrow—  She is very sweet and pretty - and much more makes me think of the Richards - (Cousin Julia's K's) which is the best description of her I can give—  She's like Mrs Murray or "Dellie" - though not the least in looks—  I have begun Mr Darwin by drawing him first separately - a careful drawing for the likeness - which I shall 

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[[archival note:]] [1889]

Ashton House—
July 14"——

Dear Uncle Will:
I am just mailing the Bill of Lading to 4305 as I said in my last letter I would do—  Nothing is paid as I was running short in Paris and did'nt want to spend anything I could help - but I hope you'll have a little fun with the things to pay you for all the trouble - which I suppose you will take some hot day in August—
I wonder if you will read this on the breezy verandah of the Ocean Bluff House - I would'nt