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mind the least bit being there this Sunday evening and know just what a walk along the bluff would be like only with you unless moonlight its pitch dark. With us it would be a lovely twilight if it were not cloudy. I hope before this being away from the family and on your own responsibility you have written to me because I want to know about Miss Garrard and her doings and all the rest of them - afraid there is no Harry Woods to tell about. I hope you find some types to amuse you at the O.B. like that Miss Somebody who wore her hair in a tall black knot on the apex of her head.

I hope you dont disapprove of my coming back here as the rest of the family seem to. I felt so sure you would all think it a good thing for me to do. Me making some, if a little money, and the idea of making it over here. This weeks illness has badly hindered me as I worked for the first time yesterday afternoon. No one I think but the doctor realized how ill I was nor how I suffered. They were all kind as possible but I think expected that notwithstanding all that groaning and writhing I would get up and be all right in a few hours as so many do - such as May who after a night or a season of as she calls it "perfect agony" suddenly walks