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ignorant they are - nor that they ought'nt to "want to see" so much—  Portrait painting would be the most ideal occupation in existence, if it were not for these drawbacks— And I do think that one of the rarest and biggest qualities one can have is humble respect for other people's professions— The Horace Darwin's want me to do two of their children too but losing these days etc I shant have time. May came back from the Amcorts on Wednesday afternoon having had a good time going to see castles etc and being well treated generally— They are not rich but live in style in a pretty low ivy-covered house. There was no other company but herself— Major Amcorts asked May one evening if Laurie had'nt an uncle in Phila who was interested in mines and when she said "yes", and that it was the same Uncle who made her a present of a trip to Italy he went into raptures over it "Well that was kind" - etc etc could'nt seem to get over it— When she told me, I wished I had been there to chime in, and was much more than pleased that you should have some appreciation from such an unexpected quarter— May has had a great time "eating things up" since she came back, as of course I have been no good and our table groans - especially with a gooseberry tart that will last her a week— When Mrs Clarke proposed the g.t. - May with the American idea that a tart was a small round open bit of pastry with something sweet in it—