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went to Trinity Chapel yesterday afternoon with Maud after having tea at the Grange and Mr Buckler a young American went with us—  No Langley this Sunday and we have not seen him since last - no - devoted swains—
We have been much troubled with fleas these days and this afternoon our host and 'Kite' carbolic acidized our sitting room, lounge, etc—  May's bed is in this room and I tell her they have probably all taken refuge in her blankets—    I really long to see the new B.H. house and you all so comfortable in it, and Cecil, who dont know me, and my other boys who do—  And shall be just as 

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Ashton House—
July 15—  [[archival note:]] [1889]

Chère Famille:

Being far from the land of gurgles and snorts, and in that of low lispings, I must rub up my French as best I can—   La Maison Cindretonne has borne me through my late dangerous illness - I have written a long letter to Uncle Will to R. bkpt and have received a short one from him today, but think the rest of you will be looking for a letter, and wont want to merit until he sends you his—  "Yes wait a minute, sister dear, I'll come in a minute"—  "In a min", as Harry used to say—   I am much 

I has'nt told you how relieved I was to hear of your all—  I mean Grandma this time getting so safely to B.H—  Grandma would so love The Clarke family - I often fancy the interviews she would have with Mrs C. & the "biby"—