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a week with my illness - I had settled then on the 15th but this morning May became so plaintive about it and the arguments were so strong, that I was persuaded to put if off one week more- 

My portraits are tearing successes and I'm really proud of Mrs Horace Darwin's myself. It is simply walking firmly and smoothly on- and was a likeness almost from the first stroke- I am in raptures over pastel which is a medium that really helps one and never hinders like oil. And is especially good for woman's portraits. Orders are pouring in "if I will only stay." And I should soon have a real reputation- They think me a wonder. Maud hangs around my neck and beseeches- May argues what is very true that though we may come abroad again this is the last time this will ever happen to us- The exquisite place - we find it out more and more, the kind people all nice men, the chance to paint interesting things and people, and my success - having a studio, and all - Mrs Horace - the dearest little woman - sits in the morning; sometimes Maud reads aloud to us 'Democracy', and is always coming and going with her babes - as you only have to walk accross the lawn to the studio. I do Mr Darwin in the afternoons - though he has been off to Down now for a few days trying to patch up his health a little - he is so miserable - Mrs Jobb is crazy to have me do her and "Dick" - The Horace's want me to do their Erasmus - who is the image of our Harry and Mr Prothero wants me to do his