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English men make up their minds to marry and then do it—  The girls are very few of them the sort to inspire them to do it headlong—  Mr Langley & J.J. Thompson are like Americans; sharp, sparkling, and tremendously alive—  Their voices however are English—  Oh the music of an English mans voice - I notice it more in the men than the women, though Mrs Horace Darwin lets fall a shower of pearls every time she opens her lips—  
There were several people at J.J. T's when we went to tea - big oak, pannelled [[paneled] room in 'Neville's court', Calender, Buckler Wright and a gentleman & lady - all went in a body to chapel afterwards, except Calender - organ at [[?]] being repaired so the service all went on by the Choir without it   Anthem and all—  After Chapel 

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Thompson Buckler and [[strikethrough]] Wright  [[/strikethrough]] White joined us in the Anti-Chapel and walked all the way out to King's Gate with us—  Wish you could have seen the group - me in front with T. & W. Prof T. in white surplice and black silk hood - mortar-board of course on his head - Mr White in black gown & high hat - such a funny combination—  
This afternoon Maud took us to see Corney Grain the great humorist who is down from London and who acted or performed or talked sang etc - we nearly died of laughing—  He is a combinaton of all the "funny" men you have heard of - but reminded me most of H. W. Beecher - peace to his memory—  Tomorrow evening we are to dine with Maud—  She is going to have the Jebbs Horace's - Buckler & White 

Transcription Notes:
Richard Corney Grain - English entertainer