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you  what they are and it would'nt be interesting—  They are youngish married folks and I'm sure I could find them in some of du Mauriers drawing rooms
Mr Neil a Schotch man who took May out - a Fellow of Trinity - English Literature I think - a big beard man who astonished May by talking poetry to Mrs Jebb after dinner—  May is'nt used yet to people who look stupid act sometimes awkwardly and even have a giggle and yet are Masters of Colleges and know something they dont talk about - our stock in trade is very shallow and we dont always want to talk art though they try to make us - and often feel I do it too much—    There was also Professor Clarke an interesting widower - middle aged - but handsome - whom Mrs 

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Ashton House—
July 28——  [[archival note:]]  [1889]
Sunday evening—

I hav'nt much to tell you about this week - my fambly—(I am learning to say fam-il-y-) but I'm afraid I shant be able to keep it up—   My principal news is that there is'nt a single berth to be had on the Achoria which sails August 22d  And we are telegraphing and writing and having a great time to get one on the Faraessia, which sails the 29th, and may have to take one of the 12 guinea ($62) ones instead of the $52- after all—   I did not think there would be any trouble about getting berths in
this far off line and every one said there would'nt; 
It is the great crush of this particular search—   We could have had one if we had 

Had a letter from Aunt Eliza - suppose she's done her Catskill by this time  
Sorry it was'nt more fun—
Hope Aunt Emily goes to Rbkpt in August and you'll all be home when I get there—

Transcription Notes:
* Rbkpt - I've seen this assemblage of letters before, still not sure what location she's referencing