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gone the 15th as I at first planned and if it was'nt that I dont see now how I could have finished my portraits and seen London and got off by the 15th  I should be dreadfully sorry we had'nt done this—  May would like now to throw over Glasgow and negotiate with a London line of S.S's - that I never heard of before and that no one knows anything about - but I think this is unwise and not likely to have more room either so stick to Glasgow—   It has rained a good deal this week and she is not as keen about staying on just as she was - but I think only about getting my portraits done well - and am very glad not to be so hurried & to do more justice to London—   I have worked awfully hard on Mr Darwin this week—  

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He has posed both morning and afternoon - as I wanted to get on with it while it was wet—  Now it has got to dry, and then he worked on more!—  The likeness is'nt strong enough yet though as to [[strikethrough]] likeness [[/strikethrough]] painting it is'nt bad—  I gave Mrs Horace a rest of several days while I worked on George—    We had two 'dinners' this week but other wise no festivities indeed I was too much worked for any fun—  You know I have to do it the best I can - small pay makes no difference in the labor, and I never was more ambitious to do well—  
Wednesday night we dined at Mrs Jebbs, a much more stately affair than Mauds jolly little dinner the night before—  There was Mr & Mrs Prothero & Mr and Mrs Wherry—  Cant tell 

Transcription Notes:
* Sir George Walter Prothero (1848-1922), historian