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I am having a number of things pressed across the way, and am thinking seriously of [strikethrough] go [strikethrough] having my coat and vest made up soon. I shall be measured tomorow, and look the goods over. 

The old tailor has his son working with him, he also has a third man. They are good people. Mr. Phol [strikethrough] told [strikethrough] says that since he made fathers' clothes they have "had many ups and downs but have managed one way and another to keep above board." 

From there I took a buss to Prall Mall but found no letters at the American Express Office. I wandered around. Saw many art stores. Went into a large old building which contained the banqueting hall through which Charles the 1st marched on his way to execution. The ceiling was decorated by Rubens, needless to say I spent hours there. The building is called