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which I am to take with them. 

Please ask Sister Bess to to send me over a number of the funny clippings from the Independent and Christian Register. Any old joke will do, send them all. I wish to strengthen my [[repertoire?]] [[esprit?]] [[repr't - repartee]].

Can I join the Mayflower Society or the Sons and daughters of the American Revolution at this distance. I am very anxious to do so. Don't laugh. All these little things count in a man's favor. And after being asked about ten times, if any of my family belonged to these organizations I concluded that if possible I myself should join at the earliest possible date. Please look into the matter at once. 

Last night a Sculptor named Montford called on me took supper here. Is an interesting chap. Looks exactly like Padereski wears a velvet coat and plays good chess. I met his mother and father