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Dear Mother and Father -
The predicted crash on the Stock Exchange came.  I have been reading all the papers, articles[[strikethrough]dc [[/strikethrough]]on the subject and wondering if Father held aloof - Wish the authorities would cage Morgan and his gang.  Such a rise on the market is not healthy for young minds. They become dizzy and excited by the idea of making money easily.  And in the crush in this crash from accounts here I should judge 
that [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] young and old have been wounded.  Such things 
as, an over excited public, a soaring market and the crash make me glad that I am only an artist.  We had on Saturday, a pretty party here.  The swell English girl amused us by barking like a dog, and imitating a cat, and singing.  She is a mighty wise girl, but is 
so closely guarded by an old maid chaperon that it is difficult to even look at her [[strikethrough]] e [[/strikethrough]]. I play my violin every day. Am going to take it to London. Leave for the Fords on the twenty-third. Shall be there one week, and look up old friends. That is if time is not all planned out by Mrs. Ford. 

Have I written that two maiden ladies are staying here at present, they remind me of Molly and Carey Brooks. Very entertaining. Always serving. Madame talks French to them and they calmly reply in English although they both speak French well. Real English don't you know. 

Last week I made another copy at the Louvre and drew each day at Colarrossi's. It is a good school unfortunately as yet I have not made the acquaintance of Colin. His place is being substituted by a bald headed clever draughtman named Mucha. Thursday night May 9, called with Doctor [[Ruhraah?]] [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] an American lady and daughter named More.Came from New York. Have left for London. Went with them to the American  Church on Sunday. Poor Service high church - They have

Transcription Notes:
-The writer spells out Colarrossi's however I believe they are meaning Colarosi, which is a school near the Louvre. -I have tried researching several of the questionable words to no avail. His reference to "Colin" at the Academie Colarossi, may be Raphael Collin, who was a teacher associated with the school.