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is of an Empire gown out of doors.

Mr. Lasar is Lasar is talking here, - and his remarks are so spicy that it is painful for me to concentrate my mind on this letter -

You have heard of Mr. Lasar, his ability for managing a young ladies school (ages from 16 to 70). I wrote this when he was sitting here he is really a good painter. And has lived here twenty years. Started with nothing and has made his name. He is bright talker, and good teacher. Came from Johnstown before the flood. 

My work is going to be looked over by Delecluse and Shorty Lasar.

An Englishman named Murray is working with me now. for a week or so.

How swell Bess looks in her photo. I was very proud of it, and do wish that you would all send me some new ones like it. I shall be returning home soon and then can paint the portrait of you all. 

My ability to paint more truly is improving and I am anxious to prove this to you all - 

Bob is well, and so am I -

I trust that you are settled again all well at home, - and should like to hear from you soon. Evidently the mails are late -

Love to all ---
- William -

Jan 5th 1907

Father, I wouldn't trouble you [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] with these accounts of 'MCs' but for the savings of the mail ---