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[[right-hand side]]

on the express man -- Mrs. Chamberlain left tonight for London. I took dinner last night with Mrs. Ward and Reggy-- 

I am working in the Academy each day and try to learn how to draw. I am not a poor draughtsman but am not the best in the schools. Where I work now they do terrible things. Bess could draw better. Some elderly men seem to know a lot, but have drifted backwards. It all comes from lack of real liking for their work--
I went to church Sunday with Miss Chamberlain. Notre Dame --- Not a good service. Just as soon as I finish Homer's 

[[left-hand panel]]

painting I shall pack up canvases &c for home

Shall I pack everything all sell my furniture? I should like to leave things in the studio and return with Bess next year take a new studio live in a pension, and it would be a finish off of my present method -

Method is everything --
I should like a few more years work, but one will make me a painter of no ordinary tecknique [[technique]] - You will say I have improved 

I sketch now all the time and am trying hard to to make my eye true. 

Mrs. Chamberlain introduced me to a lady named Miss Dawton here whose brother owns