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examples of recent paintings of children - and I should like to leave some heads of children in their house before I go to London.
Prof. Callant[[?]] of our school died today of cancer of the throat--
I send you today [[strike-out]]of[[/strike-out]] an account of my expenditures [[strike-out]]of[[/strike-out]] also a list of works I wish to produce in time for St Louis Philadelphia and London shows - this must be all done before the fall - At present I can only work from the models in the school as I have no cash for the children studies and I hope you will find it possible to assist me - Next month I must pay out 250 fr. on a rent and as I must pay for food +c very little will be left for work -
Counting what the girls lent me I had 562 fr. - To put forward my summer work of children I hope it will be possible for you to send me $25 extra - 
Also write me what you think of London - Tell Bess that Mr. Peatree is in Germany for a week - The girl would not go to a convent but is seen at the Bullier - and yesterday I saw her with a large nosed Jew or Spaniard on the Boulevard - When returning with the Grandages from St. Clair - we had a nice time there and thought of the sisters - Please inform Helen that we have not had one rainy day - since that sad Sunday -