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from diary of Elizabeth Frost "My trip abroad"
June 21
Tues. to the Tower lunch at Richard III's Palace. W. Abbey in p.m. Will called. Evening with him in Hyde Pk. & to a cafe, Frescate's.

June 23
Thurs, Shopped a little then met Will at Brit. Mus. [[British Museum]] Saw wonderful things there. Went to Chelsea & were introduced to the pretender to the Servian [[Serbian]] throne in private life Mr. Lazarowitch a man of elegant manners who kissed our hands. His wife an American was charming & I was delighted to see a portrait by Will of the two boys, a splendid piece of work. Lunched at the place Carlyle & Whistler frequented then visited Will's neighbor Mr. Jackson an Englishman who does very artistic work in black & white. He came to tea in Will's studio. Went to bed early footsore & weary, but delighted with the day with Will.

June 24
Fri. Mer Will at 12 at Nat. Gall. [[National Gallery]] who introduced us to several friends. Mr. Lasar his teacher in Paris joined us and amused us intensely. All went to Six Bells to lunch and had jolly time altho' I didn't understand at all Mr. L's French which W. said was lucky. He called about 9 & we sat up 'till late having a "heart to heart" talk.