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After the first twenty minutes there was little of interest left of the good book, but he finished by patting it on the back, as a book which was unique. A book which meant well but was not entirely correct. You people from the States must know of Carpenter, he made his name there.

Ifara's Homer. Mother dear, what would make a nice wedding present for a young couple. A painting of 'Venus and Adonis', or the "Three Holy Men Journeying to Jerico."

Prof Carpenter is a splendid looking man. Last Sunday his most beloved niece committed suicide, and on Tuesday he concluded his lectures here. What does grand father think of my handwriting? I can imagine.

Have just rec'd your letters written Nov 20th. Mr. Everrett will be missed in the town and church. Bessies letter pleased me although I had to pay ten cents or 5 d to receive it. Fathers letter just received. I enjoy them immensely

Having discovered the American waltze is entirely different in arrangement from the English I am taking three lessons to try to prepare for the coming ball. In the dance here the lady always goes backward and the steps 

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weeks. Shall send it on immediatly [[immediately]] on completion. Some water-colors are under way, and will arrive some two weeks after this letter. I wish, if you think well of them, you would give one to Flint, one to Horton, and one to the Parks, as a Xmass [[Xmas]] gift. I shall forward four of the Curiosity Shop, and others that may be useful to you. 

Last Monday Miss Catherine Turner invited me out to her house to meet her mother & sisters (she's a niece of Mr. Pritchards): they live in a beautiful old house surronded [[surrounded]] by trees, and facing a large Park. 

I called just about four o'clock. Tea time. I met her seven sisters, naturally a bit embarrassed I found myself. Felt as though I had dropped into a convent. Fine family the Turner's. Two of the girls are going to the dance. One's pretty. Hurrah— Nothing serious, don't even know her first name, but she has sparkling eyes, a little hooked nose, and a pretty hand. I had the pleasure of holding (a plaster cast of) it for some minutes.   Tuesday evening I took dinner with Mr. Pritchard at the Club, and afterwards heard Prof. Carpenter lecture. "On the Bible was the subject.