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although one-two-three- are entirely different; being always a pivot movement. I hope I shall be in good trim to do my turns. Think of Willie steering young and old, tall, fat and slim British ladies about a slippery floor. My knees tremble to think of it : But I'll tackle the subject as a man would and if the floor doesn't give way, shall probably finish without any scars. 

Friday night Amy Van Dyk is finished. Last night a Mr. Bell (staying here invited me to go to the Theatre. Saw the "Casino Girl" and many ballets that I blush even now to think of. Wore my dress suit, sat on the floor and laughed like the "old Harry". Laughed more at the horse laughs, or neighs around me, than the play, itself. 

Mrs Chamberlain has kindly invited me to a concert on Monday night. 


Met Sir Lawrence this afternoon. I had heard stories about him. That he was ugly, cross to young students; but it is not so. He treated me in a grand kindly way. He lives in a small Palace. One of the finest buildings I have ever been in. Every thing is extravagantly beautiful. The maid led me into the studio a large dome shaped room. 

[[added in pencil]]
( put back last pages [[photocopy?]] )