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My dear Mother,
The first week, I sold a drawing, the first week and year of this century has been started well. I received $5.00 for it. A black and white drawing of Dr. King, made in an hour. He was so pleased with it that he bought it right away. I really draw better than I ever did before. I am attending an evening life class (3 evenings a week, and find that rather than being rusty, I never was more confident of or my eyes never truer.
Glover, the fellow that has studied in Paris comes in to the school sometimes. He cannot draw, and knows it. Paris has failed to make him a master. He is a drifter, and doesnt realize it. He sent a picture one month ago to an exhibition. It was refused. Still I have known others that know how that feels.
Winter has come, snow and ice we for the first time have seen here. One day last week I saw the sun. The rest were all foggy. Last Friday all day it was pitch dark. So