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just been killed. After the meal was over our dear maiden lady would rest her heavy frame against the bed post and tell the most marvellous stories, about hell, wild horses and her younger days, when after an hour or so each day the stories would come so fast that the paint on the old dame's cheeks would trickle down slowly; at first, as the snow from a roof; till at last all would disappear behind their collar. Now that suggest a problem. If the old dame has been painting six days a week for thirty years, using each day a spoonful of paint how much paint today would her shoes contain? The weather is beautiful here now. Last Tuesday I attended a church near here and heard selections of Oratorio's for two hours, produced by St. Pauls chorus of many many voices.  

It was grand. Again I heard the funeral march. That is the second time this month I have heard good music.

Had two letters this week from N. Centre. One from Melcher and Miss Parks. Melchers was interesting, but worried the other one made me telling of so much sickness.

How are these consolidations affecting business. The papers here have columns regarding the railway kings movements. They are clever. How is the Sea Board Air Line holding out? Is in the swim? These rich magnates are rapidly becoming the supreme lords of the States. Is possible for small business men to remain independent under such a system. Nothing has happened of interest this week----