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March 21, 1901 
My Dear Mother

I have never dreamt of such achievements in art. The Louvre is a painters Paradise. The master pieces there held my attention for a long time then, the frowsy, dirty students. I pity them. They are a dirty lot. I met Hall there he was copying a Reubens. He is extrodinary. Had on a clean collar. In the afternoon he kindly guided me across the River to the Latin Quarter. Where he lives, Ward, and many other Boston boys. After some looking around I located at 6 Rue de Chevreuse. Paris - Hall lives on the same court yard it is a quiet nice and apparently healthy place. A large bedroom costs eight dollars a month including service, the old landlady is a dear. Will tend to all the washing sewing &c. Hall is living easily on $600 a year. It is much less expensive living here than in London. Shall probably stay in the city most of the summer. Tell Robert that next to my bedroom, is another just a good, vacant and he must come and occupy it. Next fall I wish sister could come over and keep house for me, cook the breakfast and darn my socks. Most of which I now use for wristers. We could live well here for very little. Last night in a little cafe a nice dinner Soup roast-beef, and rice pudding cost only one franc, including a small bottle of wine. 

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Grand Hotel Louvois
Place Louvois
Adresse Tèlégraphique:
Hotel Louvois-Paris
Lumière Électrique
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