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he seemed ready to but I told him I hadn't anything, having had the other man shingle the roof.

Please take your mind off the the list a little bit and try to think with me on these matters. But don't get nerved up on it.

I see no sense for you in coming up — even Labor Day, altho of course I should love to have you. If my mother doesn't last indefinitely, as seems not likely, I must stay here, but you have to consider your limited time and not kill yourself making too many trips up. We must have some sort of plan ready when you do come so we can work as fast as possible to its accomplishment.

Now I will telephone — ; the nurse reports she had 2 hypodermics of dymeral(?) [[demerol]] during the night which didn't hold too well, and she is still restless and wanting scissors to cut the strap that is above her knees, but she was quiet from the sedatives a good part of the night. Her pulse is still good. She has a strong heart & low blood pressure — 140. Her supper was taken well, and she is about to have breakfast. I think she will take nourishment readily. 

I will call you about 8 any day if there should arise any need. I hope Doris is not finding housework too much drudgery. It is mighty good to know she is there to look after you and and the place if I have to stay on sometime. 
