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Stoughton Mass
23 Aug 1951

Dear Sid: 

Yesterday afternoon Ma said she felt "funny," but couldn't seem to tell me exactly how. She appeared bright enough at supper and afterwards, tho' she fussed over her eyesight when she tried to read the newspaper. I washed her glasses, which as usual were filthy, and after that she read for a while and then went to bed about 7.30 as it was dark & rainy and she was tired. She wanted me to sleep upstairs because of the rain, so I did. Towards morning I heard her getting up to "make water" and then fumbling about in the dark. I got up and found her trying to take her pot to the bathroom to empty it. She was confused over the doors but I steered her to the bathroom & back to bed and she got in. About half an hour later she was up again, this time she switched on her light but I found her taking  her pot into the closet to empty it and then I got her back to bed. Not long after she was up a third time, and I found her heading towards the stairs, she thought it was time to get up, - 5.30. Then she went to sleep and slept till nearly 8. But I watched her dress and she fumbled all thru it, got into her drawers wrong -- they are still one leg out, and I had to finally put her dress on. She washed her face & combed her hair and we went downstairs, but she was very weak and I felt she might topple any instant. She wanted to go thru her regular program tho and I helped her out to the back step and let her pick over the ashes and then got her back to breakfast, which she ate. She has tended to the iceman - and wanted to go up & make her bed, so I have hovered over and let her, tho I did all the work. how at last I 

Transcription Notes:
.A few words still need transcribing