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Arl. Va. 10 Aug 1951

Dear Doris:

I meant to get a letter written last night, but didn't sit down to it until too late, so let it go.  Worked hard all day doing things around the house as well as List of Floras, and got to L.C. in p.m. while Doris went to G.W. library.  She had supper with a young man named [[blank]] at a Chinese restaurant & got home about 7.

It is too bad that your mother has taken such a contrary turn but there is nothing to do except employ the night nurse if that is necessary in order to keep her at the Norfolk home.  The self-reproach we would feel later if we do not do all we can for her now, even though the doing so does her very little good, is more important than the cost.

Friday night I brought Cuatrecasas home to supper. Doris fried most of a cut-up chicken I bought for the purpose (1.62) and did it very well.  We had in addition squash & potato & ice cream for dessert.  Everybody talked freely during supper and then D. went off and C. and I went thru my Spanish manuscript until 12 p.m.  He worked in Spain for some years before he went to Colombia, and published a couple of local floras which were in my list.  He helped me quite a good bit, and gave me the name of one more Spanish botanist to write to.  He is now working at the Field Museum in Chicago.