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Arlington 3 Sept '47

Dear Folks:

I have run out of cards so will have to write a letter. It won't be a long one, as it is time I was abed. 

I found out, as I rather expected, that the icechest would have to be crated before shipment. That means we shall have to do it after we come back. 

Morrison was not there today & Erlanson said he [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] was reported to have an attack of asthma. I didn't know he was subject to it.

I worked at List of Flores nearly all day & shall be able to finish up tomorrow. I shall give the ripe tomatoes to Mrs. Arm when I take the fish there tomorrow, & bring up the green ones. 

Allard {hopes expects} to get off tomorrow night for N.Y. His passport hasn't come yet, but is promised for tomorrow.

Hope I don't wake up quite so early tomorrow. I have been waking around 5.

Love - DHB

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Read about the storm in the Star. Hope it didn't do too much damage around home. [[/left margin]]