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21 Aug. 1947

Dear Folks: got your letter & p.c. today dated the 17th & 18th; they were stamped 19th - 12 n - and must have been held up somehow. After considerable search I found yr. bandages & enclose the smaller one with the 2 clasps. 

Got the car inspected this morning. Got there at 8.20, found about 6 or 7 cars ahead of me & didn't get thru until 11. They charged me 1.25 for allegedly correcting my headlights. Diller's wife got thru at the same place some time ago for 15ยข, but Allard told me that Doris, who was evidently behind me in the line today, didn't get there until 12 and was told she would have to have $45 work on the front end. Apparently it has to be done right away if she wants to drive the car. 

Worked at USDA & L.C. today, but didn't get too much done as I lost the whole morning. However, I expect to have everything ready in time. The plan is now to leave early on Friday the 5th, stop & do a few works at Phila. & go on to N.Y. in the afternoon. I am asking for per diem for the time from 5th-13th 
                      Love, Ifg[[?]]