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and starfishes from the west coast of North America, containing 9 species and 43 specimens of the former group, and 12 species and 41 specimens of the latter; received from Mr. Alphonse Forrer, of Santa Cruz, Cal.  These specimens were all identified and in excellent condition.

Seven species of South Sea Island corals, donated by the Hon. H.F. French, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.  Specimens of Echinoderms and Corals from the west coast of Mexico, received from Prof. Alfred [[Dugès?]], Guanajuato, Mexico.  Specimens of starfishes and sea-urchins from the coasts of California and Lower California collected by Mr. C.H. Townsend.  Specimens of a new and interesting variety of fresh-water sponge, Meyenia plumosa Carter, var. Palmeri Potts, collected on the banks of the Colorado River, near Lerdo, Sonora, in northwestern Mexico, by Dr. Edward Palmer.  Two finely preserved specimens of Metalia pectorialis, a large sea-urchin, and several specimens of Gorgonian corals, collected at Nassau, Bahama Islands, by Mr. B.H. Van Vleck, of Boston.

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