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In such intervals as could be spared from the routine work of the department, the curator has devoted most time to the identification of the Echini contained in the general collection, and those obtained by the steamer Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean sea, in 1884 and 1885. Work upon the collection made by the Albatross in 1884 was completed in February and a report upon the same was published in the Proceedings of the Museum for this year (pp. 83-89). Twenty-three species were recognized but none of these were new to science. The second collection of the same character, made by the Albatross this year, was not received until April, but before leaving Washington for Wood's Holl, in June, the curator had identified all but a few doubtful species, which latter were to be taken to  Cambridge, Mass., for comparison with the types of Mr. Alexander Agassiz. In the same way, the identifications of the general collection of Echini have been finished, so far as could be done in Washington, but, by arrangements with Mr. Agassiz, it will be possible to compare the doubtful species with the very full collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, some time during the summer. A catalogue of all the species and specimens contained in our collection has also been prepared and will be submitted for publication in the fall.

The specimens of stalked crinoids collected by the steamer Albatross in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, in 1884, several hundred in number, have all be examined and identified, and placed in good condition.  There