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The following accessions were received during the month:

15780. Tom Moore, Livingston, Texas
- Two "crabs-eyes" or "gastroliths" from a crayfish.

15786. Henry Hemphill (in the employ of the Museum) - One  tank and barrel of alcoholic and dried specimens from Key West, Fla. This collection contains a fine lot of Crustacea, Marine, Echinoderma, Bryozoa, and sponges in a good state of preservation.

15832. Hon. H. F. French, late Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, 8 specimens representing 7 species of coral from the South Sea Islands. This collection adds one or two species to our collection.

15852. Edwin Crissey, Boatswain U.S.N. Specimens of algae on cards, from the water front of the Navy Yard at Pensacola, Fla.