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[[box]],5/29/96 14:34,Re: Re[2]: Kidsat Schools [[right margin]]1[[/right margin]][[/box]]    1

Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 14:34:18 -0800
To: (--)
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Kidsat Schools

Sally........Called Lewis Research Center -- Joanne Charleston. She was out until next Monday. I talked to the Education Director at Lewis (Frances Montegani - I met him at the meeting in Williamsburg last week) and he said that he would coordinate the information this week. Placed calls to Garth Hull at Ames and Shelley Canright from LaRC. Didn't get through to Garth yet but Shelley is all set and will work with Mary Sandy (Virginia Space Grant) to get the middle school on tract. Also talked to Jim Brice at GSFC and will assist the K-12 folks at GSFC in selecting a school. Jim did not have the material yet and he wanted to know who the official contact point was at GSFC. (Pam -- could you give him that information). So I guess we have heard or contacted KSC, LaRC, JSC, LeRC, Wallops, GSFC. I have not heard from or who to contact at MSFC or Stennis.

As an added note Sun Microsystems visited yesterday and said they have a middle school close to ARC that they have worked with (That is the school that Gore and Clinton pulled network cabling at in Silicon Valley). SUN would be willing to add their support to the school and make sure that it met all of the conditions. I will continue to facilitate the discussions.

Mike Wiskerchen

Mike Wiskerchen
Director - California Space Grant Consortium
California Space Institute 
UC San Diego