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Mining and Agriculture
The Vaal River flows southwest (top left) in this arid, western part of the plateau. The first mine in South Africa's turbulent mining history was discovered at Kimberley (1) in 1866. Other diamond mines exist in the area. Lime is mined at Ulco (2). The heavily eroded area (white patches, top) outlines one of the overpopulated enclaves assigned to blacks in South Africa's system of racial separation. (61C-50-0085)

Orange River Dams
Muddy water of the P.K. Le Roux Dam, one of several dams harnessing South Africa's largest river, occupies narrow gorges of the Orange River. The landscape along the Orange is marked by thin black lava intrusions (black lines bottom and top left) which give rise to the classic flat-topped hills of the arid interior of southern Africa. (61C-34-0005)