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Activity 1: Getting Started

Clouds from Below and Above

1. The first step is to look at the local weather, outside your classroom.  Either go outside with your students, or look out of the windows.  Have your students describe the clouds and the current weather conditions.

2.  Back inside the classroom, have your student use the web to download the current regional cloud maps for your area.  These are accessible through the "Regional Weather" link on the KidSat weather page. 

3.  Have your students find their location on the image, and look at how the clouds over that area appear.  Explain to them about the concept of satellites taking pictures of the weather, and that these are current images.  

4.  If you like, you can continue this over several days. Discuss how the weather outside your class has changed from (or stayed the same as) the previous day.  Compare the new cloud cover image with the image from the previous day.  Have the students look at the two images to see what changes they can see, especially for your own local area.

Teacher's Guide        Page 8.20