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Image Annotation

After the flight, your students can analyze any of the KidSat images. They may want to start with photos that they took, but they may also be interested in the photos taken by other students. In fact, they may find that other photos complement theirs, or help to illustrate a feature or a process.

We invite your students to "annotate" any KidSat image that they find interesting. If they see an image that they would like to investigate, and they discover what some of the features are in the image, they might want to create enhanced versions of that image that annotate those features. 

Here are some examples of annotated images:

King Island, Australia: an example of a student annotated image from STS-81. 

Indian Ocean
King Island
Hunter Islands
Bass Strait
This is a picture of the Bass Strait that passes between Australia and Tasmania.

Teachers' Guide
Page 10.7