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Student Worksheet 6.3

The map that goes with this activity (Map 6.3) shows four consecutive space shuttle orbits. (These are orbits that the space shuttle followed on a previous flight, not orbits that it will follow on STS-81).

1. Put an arrow on each orbit to show what direction the shuttle was traveling.

2. The orbit on the far right of the map (the furthest east) was the 11th orbit of this particular shuttle flight (the 11th time the shuttle circled the earth.) Label it Orbit #11.

3. Now label the other orbits by their orbit number.

Answer the following questions by referring to Map 6.3.


1. The shuttle passed over Cuba in orbit 11. One orbit later, orbit 12, the shuttle passed over Texas. How many minutes elapsed between when the shuttle passed over Cuba and when it passed over Texas?

2. Do any of the orbits cross the West Coast?
   If so, which one(s)?

3. Do any of the orbits cross the East Coast?
   If so, which one(s)?

4. Can you photograph both coasts on any one of these orbits, 11-14?

5. Is there an orbit that crosses your state?
   If so, which one?

6. Which states does orbit 14 cross?

7.  a) About how long does it take the shuttle to cross the US on orbit 12? (Hint: Count the tick marks; remember 1 tick mark equals 1 minute)

    b) Using your answer from part (a) above, determine how many miles the shuttle travelled across the US in orbit 12. (Remember, the shuttle travels at 5 miles/second.)


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