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What's Involved in Targeting?

What is a target?

A target is a location on the Earth that you have decided to photograph. That location must fall within the footprint of the KidSat camera; that is, it must lie along the shuttle ground track during one of the orbits that the KidSat camera is mounted. The sketch below show a possible target in Australia. The sit lies near a shuttle orbit, and within the footprint of the camera (indicated by rectangle).


Why do you need to know a select target?

You will be selecting a set of targets for each KidSat orbit. You first need to know part of the world the shuttle passes over on the orbit. Then you need to know what part of the orbit is in daylight. With that information, you can pick some tentative targets. After you pick a tentative target, you can then, using he SMOC web pages, determine (very precisely) whether the camera footprint, you can use the SMOC web pages to determine the exact MET that the shuttle will pass over your target.

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