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Activity 7.2
[[underline]] Selecting Targets [[/underline]] 

In this activity students will practice choosing targets using the slider map, an atlas, and the SMOC mission planning web pages. They will they practice submitting these selections to the KidSat Mission Control Gateway via the SMOC Photo Entry web page.

1 class period

Slider map
Computer with access to the SMOC web pages
Student worksheet 7.3
Six practice code words (enclosed)

Getting Ready
Have the slider map out.
Have the computers turned on and connected to the SMOC pages via NetScape.
Assign students to work in groups of 4 or 5.

You may have each group rotate through all the steps below, or you may have the students specialize and have one group use the slider map, pass their results on to a group using the targeting web pages, who pass their results on to the group who will submit the photos.

Discuss possible images: Before you begin looking at ground tracks, you will want to have some idea of the types of features you would like to photograph. For example, if you decide you're interested in rainforests, you should be familiar with the location of rain forests around the world. A particular orbit might not go over the Amazon in Brazil, but it might go over the rainforests of Central Africa. In the past, schools have targeted coastlines, rivers, mountains, deserts, cities, etc.

10/29/96 Page 7.29