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new generation of college- and career-ready tests, the results of which will more accurately reflect student learning and growth.

• Expanding Race to the Top and focusing on results: Given limited resources and the challenging Budget environment, the President's plan seeks to ensure that every taxpayer dollar spent on education expands opportunity for America's students by consolidating 38 disparate programs into 11 initiatives to help states and school districts focus on results.  The plan also supports continuation of the historic Race to the Top, with an expanded focus this year on school districts prepared to implement and sustain comprehensive reforms.

• A great teacher in every classroom and a great principal in every school: The President's Budget will support a new effort to build the teaching profession through reforms that will help states create better systems to recruit, prepare, develop, reward, and retain effective educators.  By focusing on teacher effectiveness and driving reforms based on evidence of student learning and achievement, the President's plan will help identify and reward our most successful teachers, while helping more teachers excel.  The Budget supports this plan by consolidating nine teacher-related programs under the No Child Left Behind Act and providing resources to back the development of statewide teacher evaluation systems that use multiple measures to indicate good teaching.

• A comprehensive and well-rounded education for every student: The President's Budget will propose consolidating 15 programs under the No Child Left Behind Act to provide new resources and greater state and local flexibility for school to implement high-quality instruction in reading, math, and science, along with a well-rounded curriculum that will help equip students with the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century.  Our nation's employers are building a workforce of critical thinkers, problem solvers, communicators, and collaborators - and looking for candidates who bring creativity and ingenuity to the job.  Our entire education system - from standards to assessments to how we train teachers - must promote high levels of learning and strong academic skills.

• Fostering new models for teaching and learning: New economic and global challenges demand a new approach to teaching and learning in our schools.  The President's plan supports incorporating more time for learning and enrichment in and our of school; a continuation of the Investing in Innovation Fund; and greater investments in high-performing charter schools, magnet schools, and other autonomous public schools.  Technology can help schools move away from a one-size-fits-all approach, personalize learning, and enable students to progress and succeed at their own pace.

Building on Progress

The Administration has made important strides in achieving President Obama's goal of challenging the status quo in education and driving forward reform in our nation's schools.  Current initiatives reforming achievement metrics and inspiring innovative approaches to education form the backbone of the Administration's success in charting an upward trajectory for America's schoolchildren.