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Computer system & network that will archive this info [[strikethrough]] data [[/strikethrough]], &
let scientists access & analyze it. [[strikethrough]] re [[/strikethrough]]
→ Req. computer system that makes work processors → abacus.
Data (~2000) will [[strikethrough]]be wonderful [[/strikethrough provide - enormous opportunity to
understand our planet & our effect on it
[[strikethrough]] →data does us no good out sci to analyze & interpret [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]it, & develop models based on results [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]in fact, 2 ways to look at this (1)enormods opp. [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] (2)tremendous danger: are [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] affecting planet; need to [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] understand effects, their impl. [[/strikethrough]]

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next pg. *
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....So... What has elementary school sci got to do with this -
(Don't teach kids atmospheric modelling in 3rd grade, surely
they get the req'd training later...) ... of course....
But now let me get to the problem: If go on as we are,
nation faces a serious shortage of sci & eng.
in coming decades
many studies → same conclusion: