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3. an international effort in space demonstrating U.S. leadership, and with the potential to trigger additional commitments to this effort by both our economic summit partners and the Soviet union. 

4. demonstration of US commitment to investment in a better global future with benefits which accrue to everyone, in particular the next generation. 

5. an idea which stirs popular ideals, continuing the inspirational tradition of space activities. 

[Figure G110.09]

We can start the program at a modest level and build later to larger levels, but we must start soon. NASA will propose a new start in FY 1991 for the EOS Polar Platforms including the EOSDIS and Space Station Attached Payloads. 

We at NASA have many goals. We observe the universe in ever increasing resolution and sensitivity, ever trying to define our place in the cosmos. We send missions to the other planets in our solar system, trying to understand the origins of life. the time is coming when we should mount a mission to our own planet earth--clearly the planet we care about most--to try to understand how to continue the development of life on that planet.