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Sending man to the moon was a great achievement for which we can all be proud and the moon, if properly utilized, can help us meet both of the forementioned challenges. However, the scientific accomplishments of the lunar missions were quite limited in view of the sums expended. I refer you to John Logsdon's article in the April/May 1988 issue of Air and Space "Resist the Pull of Mars" for another view, and to me the moon is a natural space station which we fail to recognize as such. 

John, you have the record and are in a position to really help get the U.S. back in a leadership position in space. Please use that position toward the two great challenges that space offers -- the understanding of this Earth and the systematic exploration of the universe -- in that order.

Alden P. Colvocoresses 

Copy to: Dr. Burton Edelson
Editor, Issues
Dr. John Logsdon
Editor, Aviation Week and Space Technology