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No, I have not found a nice girl and I'm not going to look for one. Tho I still think of Wheelock about as much as ever. She I suppose would think that I a dam fool if she knew that I did. I will never find anything better than my true G.M.J. I love you. Your last letter also made me feel a little blue. You say that if I ever felt as lively as you did on the boat, that you would not blame me if I got some one. You will probably get some one I suppose if you ever feel to much so. I wont say anything if you do. It might be  best if you dont tell me at all.
I dont know just what you mean when you ask, "Do you ever think of?" Am curious to know what you ask.
Yes my dear girl we were happy at Benington. And I hope that we can be so again there for a time. hope it will be next fall or winter.
I dont know what to advise you about your business matters. Do you think that you are capable of managing it yourself? And will it not take to much of your time and be a worry on you.