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Paris April 14th 1910

Dear Grace,

It pleased me to find your several letters when I got back last Sun. My trip ended two days sooner than I anticipated for the reason which I gave you on my last postal. Am much better now and hope to be as well as ever in a few days.

The last few days at St. Guenole were not as perfect as the first week was after our arrival. It was windy and cold which made painting an uncomfortable occupation. Think that I got about four sketches that are worth keeping for awhile. In your letter you ask me when I'm going [[t-o]] send you a specimen of my work; [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] then in the next breath you tell me that you dont want any of my work. As soon as I get a paper from the consul I'll send you a few studies to look at.

On the way to Carnac we had an hours wait at Pont L'Abbe. There I did what I know you will consider a foolish thing. I bought you a scarf something like